Media Coverages

Professor IDA Masamichi was introduced on REUTERS and NTDTV (新唐人亞太台), “Political uncertainty in Japan after ruling coalition’s election fail”

Professor IDA Masamichi was introduced on REUTERS and NTDTV (新唐人亞太台), “Political uncertainty in Japan after ruling coalition's election fail.”

Professor IDA Masamichi commented on The Mainichi, “Japan’s voters put nuclear energy on back burner despite safety worries”

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Voters are likely to focus on rising utility bills rather than Japan's future energy policy when they head to the polls in ...

Professor KANEKO Ryuichi was introduced on Viory (international video agency based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)-Meiji University professor warns of growing ‘burden’ on Japan’s workforce amid low birthrate 

Ryuichi Kaneko, a demographer and professor at Meiji University, warned of a growing 'burden' on Japan's working-age population due to a low ...

Introduced on Nature “research highlight”, “Bitter taste receptors are even older than scientists thought” by Dr. ITOIGAWA, Senior Assistant Prof. TODA and Prof. ISHIMARU group at the School of Agriculture

Taste is a sense that detects information about nutrients and toxins in foods. Of the five basic taste qualities, bitterness is associated w ...

Professor NAGASHIMA Hiroshi was introduced on The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun, “Genetically Modified Pigs Created for Organ Transplants; Research Team Plans Clinical Study as Early as Fall 2025”

Genetically modified pigs have been created for the purpose of performing organ transplants into humans, a research team announced Tuesday.

Professor WAKASA Toru commented on The New York Times, “The Guardians of Japan’s Keyhole Tombs”

According to Professor Toru Wakasa, a kofun researcher at Meiji University, the Mozu-Furuichi Kofun were built in the fifth century, at the ...

Professor KOMATSU Takanori was introduced on DW (Germany’s international broadcaster), DIGITAL WORLD / JAPAN

Robots instead of pets, chatbots instead of friends, silicone lips for kisses from afar. Many digital gadgets are being designed to replace ...

Associate Professor NAITO Asao commented on Vice world news, “Half-Black Student in Japan Segregated During Graduation For Wearing Cornrows”

The 18-year-old wanted to celebrate his high school graduation by wearing cornrows, but was made to sit alone and away from his classmates.

Senior Assistant Professor Yasuka Toda was introduced on Nature Index, “Japan’s rising research stars: Yasuka Toda”

Toda’s research shows that a love for umami allowed our evolutionary ancestors to start eating plants.