
What do people want to gain from exchanging personal information?

Countries have started to proactively make use of personal information as a measure against COVID-19. Also, in Japan, a system to utilize pe ...

Effective environmental conservation practices through understanding of animal’s movements and behavior

Recently, there has been a growing interest in biodiversity conservation due partly to increased awareness of SDGs. At the same time, damage ...

Farming communities have “something”

The fragility of urban life has been exposed by the new coronavirus infection, and there is a movement to review rural areas and farming com ...

Our new life shifting to a decarbonized society

Countries across the world, including Japan, are currently making various efforts to curb global warming. Building a decarbonized society is ...

Low price preference and food safety and security

Japanese people’s food consumption behavior changed greatly in the 1990s after the bursting of the bubble economy. And in 2020, the coronavi ...

COVID-19 could be a historic turning point in urban policy

The novel coronavirus pandemic in 2020 provided us with opportunities to reconsider how society should be. One of them is the issue of commu ...

Soil is a resource, and wisdom is needed to utilize it sustainably

In recent years, due in part to the spread of the SDGs, interest in sustainability is growing in a variety of fields. Soil, too, is being un ...

The opportunity cost for not learning finance is significant

Compared to advanced western countries and emerging countries in Asia, investment by Japanese individuals are extremely inactive. In Japan, ...

Discovering human history in demographic changes

Recently in Japan, population problems have been receiving increasing public attention as society ages rapidly and the population has begun ...