
Discovering the hidden power of plants that saves us from human crises

Significant progress has been achieved in recent years in the research of plant hormones. This field is not very well known to the public, b ...

Longevity risk to longevity happiness

Recently, we often hear the term “longevity risk.” In general, this term often refers to retirement funds, but this is not the only risk. Su ...

New technologies and systems we create can put autonomous driving into practical use

Lately, we often hear discussions related to autonomous driving. It is said that automobile manufacturers around the world have been competi ...

Dreamily glowing noctilucent clouds provide a clue to elucidate the mechanism of global warming

Are you familiar with the phenomenon of noctilucent clouds? It refers to a type of cloud formation that exists at an altitude of approximate ...

Subscription may be a solution for the problem of land of unknown ownership

Recently, it was reported that the total area of land whose owner is unknown in Japan has topped that of the entire Kyushu region, a fact th ...

Our civility can avoid “sontaku” practices such as the cover-up and falsification of official documents

Recent years have seen a string of alleged destruction and falsification of official documents seemingly aimed at covering up wrongdoings by ...

Could you still call our society diverse, if everything is reduced to self-responsibility?

Recent years have seen extensive media coverage of bullying, power harassment, and sexual harassment in Japan. One of the many factors invol ...

Knowing the price of fine arts helps increase the level of national culture!?

In recent years, the inheritance tax has been gaining attention from the aspect of economic disparity adjustment. An inheritance tax has bee ...

Physical exercise extends the healthspan of not only the body but also the brain

Today, Japan has one of the longest life expectancies in the world. A study shows that half of those born in 2007 will live to age 107. Long ...