List of Articles

New video “Eliminating the Long Waiting List for Organ Transplants with Pig Cloning” is released at “Incredible Senseis at Meiji University,” a video series showcasing Meiji’s world-class research

Meiji University creates a series of promotional videos, “Incredible Senseis at Meiji University,” and a landing page to tell the world abou ...

The incompatibility of the Japanese national character with democracy

Democracy is a political system in which everyone is involved in policy and social decisions. However, despite Japan being a democratic coun ...

For the survival of Japan’s manufacturing industry and the realization of a circular economy

I have conducted research on various industries to understand how Japan’s manufacturing industry became competitive and to explore potential ...

Let’s know them at first, when we take control measure for insect pests increasing due to global warming

Insects are heterothermic animals, and basically a rise in temperature causes their increase in number. In recent years global warming has a ...

Japan’s export restrictions on South Korea from an economic security perspective: What have Japan and South Korea gained and lost?

The term “economic security” is trending. In Japan, the Act on the Promotion of Ensuring National Security Through Integrated Implementation ...

Do not ignore best interest of children in introducing selective joint custody

In May 2024, the Diet passed a bill to amend the Civil Code, introducing joint custody, which allows both parents to have custody after divo ...

The “Freelance Act” as a platform and future challenges

With diversifying working styles, the number of people who work freelance is steadily increasing. Against this backdrop, the Act on Ensuring ...

Participating in elections does not automatically do good for voters and society

Having little interest in politics or abstaining from elections tend to be criticized for being irresponsible as a member of society. For ex ...

Professor IDA Masamichi was introduced on REUTERS and NTDTV (新唐人亞太台), “Political uncertainty in Japan after ruling coalition’s election fail”

Professor IDA Masamichi was introduced on REUTERS and NTDTV (新唐人亞太台), “Political uncertainty in Japan after ruling coalition's election fail.”