List of Articles

Animated geometric shapes and/or graphs changing in form with changing numbers will expand the world of mathematics

In Fiscal 2022, the revised National Curriculum Standards will come into effect for senior high school curriculum formulation. One of the fe ...

Companies that encourage internal whistleblowing will gather force

The Act to Revise the Whistleblower Protection Act was enacted on June 8, 2020 (it will be in effect in 2 years). This revised Act will make ...

COVID-19 could be a historic turning point in urban policy

The novel coronavirus pandemic in 2020 provided us with opportunities to reconsider how society should be. One of them is the issue of commu ...

Data analysis is not a conclusion for data scientists

Data science has been attracting a lot of attention in recent years. This is because effective utilization of data is required to solve prob ...

The launch of “Step into Meiji University,” a branded website that conveys the appeal of Meiji University’s ten undergraduate schools

This website was created with the goal of informing visitors about the unique features of the university’s undergraduate schools in a brief ...

Soil is a resource, and wisdom is needed to utilize it sustainably

In recent years, due in part to the spread of the SDGs, interest in sustainability is growing in a variety of fields. Soil, too, is being un ...

Modern manufacturing begins with creating artificial intelligence

Recently, attention has been given to data chemical engineering, which relates to the creation of chemical products and the production of ne ...

The opportunity cost for not learning finance is significant

Compared to advanced western countries and emerging countries in Asia, investment by Japanese individuals are extremely inactive. In Japan, ...

Discovering human history in demographic changes

Recently in Japan, population problems have been receiving increasing public attention as society ages rapidly and the population has begun ...