List of Articles

Dreamily glowing noctilucent clouds provide a clue to elucidate the mechanism of global warming

Are you familiar with the phenomenon of noctilucent clouds? It refers to a type of cloud formation that exists at an altitude of approximate ...

The mixed emotions of pro-Japanese Taiwan are revealed through tracing history

Taiwan is said to be the most pro-Japanese country. Perhaps because of this, there are so many Japanese tourists there. But why is Taiwan, a ...

Subscription may be a solution for the problem of land of unknown ownership

Recently, it was reported that the total area of land whose owner is unknown in Japan has topped that of the entire Kyushu region, a fact th ...

We are the agent for innovation that creates new value

Innovation has been a buzzword in recent years. Generally, this word is often translated into gijutsu kakushin in Japanese [literal translat ...

The World of 3D Optical Illusion, an internet lecture series by Dr. SUGIHARA Kokichi, winner of the Best Illusion of the Year Contest three times, is now available for those staying at home amid the coronavirus crisis

Dr. Kokichi Sugihara, distinguished professor emeritus at the Meiji University Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and I ...

Developing a technology that can share tastes without the risk of infection: Prof. MIYASHITA Homei has developed a taste display that expresses an arbitrary taste

Dr. Homei Miyashita, Professor at the Department of Frontier Media Science, School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Meiji Univers ...

Our civility can avoid “sontaku” practices such as the cover-up and falsification of official documents

Recent years have seen a string of alleged destruction and falsification of official documents seemingly aimed at covering up wrongdoings by ...

Not just for cancer detection! Arsenic-detoxifying nematodes draw increasing attention

A new technology to detect cancer economically and accurately by the use of nematodes is attracting much attention. Few people have heard of ...

Could you still call our society diverse, if everything is reduced to self-responsibility?

Recent years have seen extensive media coverage of bullying, power harassment, and sexual harassment in Japan. One of the many factors invol ...