Research fields:
International education exchange
Research themes:
Internationalization in universities, effects of studying abroad, homestay and life adaptation
[Keywords] International education, studying abroad, adaptation to different cultures
Main books and papers:
◆“A Study of Community Colleges in the United States – Recognized as a Key Component of Higher Education –” (Global Japanese Studies Review Vol. 9 No. 1, 2017, School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University)
◆“Daigaku niokeru haken ryugaku no dokizuke – Nihonjin gakusei no kaigai ryugaku sogai yoin to kongo no taisaku –” (Motivating University Students to Study Abroad – Constraints in Japanese Students Studying Abroad and Future Efforts–)
(Japan Student Services Organization web magazine “Ryugaku Koryu” (Exchange through Studying Abroad), 2011)