Research fields:
Civil law, family law, social welfare law
Research themes:
Studies on the principles of social composition by taking a comprehensive approach to the roles of the family in a super-aging society, public and private, and public interest and principles of individualism from the perspective of civil and social welfare laws
Main books and papers:
◆“Ruikeibetsu Isharyo Santei no Jitsumu I / II” (Practice of Calculation of Damages by Type, I & II) Seirin Shoin, 2024
◆“Jido Gyakutai ni Mukiau Bengoshi Gyomu no Subete” (All about the Practice of Lawyers Addressing Child Abuse) Dai-ichi Hoki, 2024
◆“Jirei ni Miru Yuigon Noryoku Handan no Koryo Yoso” (Elements to Consider in Determining Testamentary Capacity in Case Examples) Shinnippon-hoki Publishing, 2023
◆“Menkai Koryu Jisshi Yoryo kara Rikaisuru Menkai Koryu no Joken / Joko” (Understanding Conditions and Provisions of Visitation and Contact from Implementation Procedures for Visitation and Contact) Dai-ichi Hoki, 2022