Research fields:
Library and information science
Research themes:
Human resource management of librarians, information service and management of special libraries
[Keywords] Human resource management, librarian system, library management, special library
Main books and papers:
◆“Senmon Toshokan no Yakuwari to Shigoto” (Roles and Functions of Special Libraries) (Coauthor and coeditor) Keiso Shobo, 2017
◆“Sasaeau Toshokan: ‘Shakai-sochi’ toshiteno Aratana Moderu to Yakuwari” (Cooperative Libraries: New Model and Role as a “Social System”) (Author and editor) Bensei Publishing, 2016
◆“Toshokan-seido, Keieiron: Raiburari Manejimento no Genzai” (Library System and Management Theory: The Present State of Library management) (Joint author) Minerva Shobo, 2013
◆“Senmon Toshokan no Jinteki-shigen Kanri” (Human Resource Management of Special Libraries) (Sole author) Bensei Publishing, 2012