Research fields:
International Economics, Development Economics, International Relations/International Cooperation
Research themes:
Research on the social impact of kaizen support through international cooperation, the role of social capital in post-disaster reconstruction
The Jimbocho Coffee project: A project aims to re-establish a vibrant town through SDGs coffee.
[Keywords] Poverty, industrial policy, social capital, disaster recovery (resilience), United Nations study
Main books and papers:
◆Shimada, Go and Tetsushi Sonobe. 2021. “Impacts of Management Training on Workers: Evidence from Central America and the Caribbean Region” Review of Development Economics, Forthcoming.
◆Hosono Akio, John Page and Go Shimada, eds. 2020. Workers, Managers, Productivity – Kaizen in Developing Countries. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
◆Shimada, Go. 2019 “Does Environmental Policy Make African Industry Less Competitive? – The Possibilities in Green Industrial Policy.” In Ravi Kanbur, Akbar Norman, Joseph Stiglitz. eds. The Quality of Growth in Africa. New York: Columbia University Press.
◆Shimada, Go. 2018. “Achievements and Further Issues in Kaizen Research for International Development: Deriving Policy Implications from Interdisciplinary Approach”. Journal of International Development Studies. Vol. 27. No.2. pp1-11.
◆Shimada, Go. 2018. “The US Aid Strategy for Productivity Improvement in Japan after World War II with a Focus on Labor Unions: Japan’s Experience as a Recipient Country”. Journal of International Development Studies. Vol. 27. No.2. pp69-84.
◆Shimada, Go. 2017. “Inside the Black Box of Japan’s Institution for Industrial Policy – An Institutional Analysis of Development Bank, Private Sector and Labour”. In Akbar Noman and Joseph Stiglitz, eds. Efficiency, Finance and Varieties of Industrial Policy. New York: Columbia University Press.