Research fields:
Budget / accounting system, public policy / public finance / social welfare system
Academic degrees:
Doctor of Policy Studies
Brief history:
Born in Tokyo in 1960.
Completed the Master’s Degree program at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1985. In the same year, entered the Ministry of Finance. Since then, he has held various positions in MOF, Cabinet Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Social Welfare. He also spent as academic in Australian National University and Hitotsubashi University, and also took MSc in Social Policy and Planning from London School of Economics and Political Science and Doctor of Policy Studies from National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies. Assumed the current post in April 2012.
Main books and papers:
◆“In-house Think Tanks of Ministries: Their Functions and Limitations in Policy Formulation”, in Y. Adachi et al. Policy Analysis in Japan (Policy Press,2015)
◆”Economic and Fiscal Management under the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) Administration”, OECD Journal of Budgeting, 2015,14(1), pp.9-33
◆“Nippon no zaisei (Fiscal Policy of Japan),” (Chuko Shinsho, 2013)
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◆“Zaisei kiritsu to yosan seido kaikaku (Fiscal Discipline and Budget System Reform),” (Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2011)