Research fields:
Public Finance, Local Government Finance
Research themes:
Research on the intergovernmental fiscal relations
Academic degrees:
Doctorate (economics)
Main books and papers:
◆“Kuni to okinawa-ken no zaiseikankei” (Financial Relations between the Central Government and Okinawa Prefecture) (editor, Seibunsha, 2016)
◆“Kyodoshakai ni okeru zaisei” (Financial Policy in a Cooperative Society) (co-author, Yuhikaku, 2015)
◆“Ryukyu-retto ni okeru kokyobumon no keizaikatsudo” (Public Sector Economic Activity in the Ryukyu Islands) (Dobunkan, 2009)
◆“The Great East Japan Earthquake and the Japanese Economy” (Japanese Studies Journal, Thammasat University, 2011)