Research fields:
Legal informatics, cyber law, comparative law (Anglo-American law)
Research themes:
The impact on U.S. law of advances in information technology; comparison of the impact of progress in information and communications technology on the legal system between Japan and the U.S.; comparative legal study of democracy and the media; comparative legal study of privacy and protection of personal information
Academic degrees:
Main books and papers:
◆“Beikoku no denshi media kisei no kihon rinen to chiiki reberu no hosokyoku shoyu kisei” (“Basic principles of U.S. regulations on electronic media and restrictions on ownership of broadcasters at the local level”) (Information and Communications Policy Review, No. 9, 2014)
◆“Broadcast regulation and the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America in digital age” (Bulletin of the Meiji University Institute of Social Sciences, no. 51, 2013)
◆“Hin’i ni kakeru hyogen to intanetto” (“Undignified expression and the internet”) (Amerikaho hanrei hyakusen [“100 selected precedents under American law”], supplement to Jurist, no. 213, 2012)
◆“Right of Publicity and the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States” (Horitsu Ronso, vol. 84, no. 2/3 [combined issue], 2012)
◆Joho tsushin seisaku kenkyujo kaigai joho tsushin hanrei kenkyukai hokokusho (dai-ni-shu) (“Report of the International Information and Communications Legal Precedent Study Group of the Institute for Information and Communications Policy [vol. 2]”) (coauthor, Institute for Information and Communications Policy, 2011)
◆“Telephone Company and freedom of speech in United States,” 130th Anniversary issue of Meiji University School of Law (Meiji University, 2011)
◆IT bijinesu ho nyumon (“Introduction to IT business law”) (coauthor, TAC, 2010)
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