Research fields:
Asia-Pacific Rim international transportation and traffic policy
Research themes:
Environmental issues related to the development of transportation infrastructure, related policies, different transportation modes, and transportation in Asia, Europe, and the United States
[Keywords] Transportation infrastructure, transportation modes, and policies
Main books and papers:
◆“Ritou no Kankou-chi niokeru Local Kukou-kinou no Tokucho ni kansuru Ikkousatsu” (Consideration for characteristics of local airport functions in tourist destinations in remote islands) ‘The Annual of Japan Port Economics Association’ No. 57, The Japan Port Economics Association, 2019
◆“Kisei-kanwa ga Local Kukou-shijo ni ataeru Eikyo ni kansuru Kenkyu” (Studies on the impact of deregulation on the local air market) ‘The Bulletin of the Faculty of Commerce, Meiji University’ Vol. 100 No. 3, 2018
◆“Chugoku-kokunai no Kotsu Infra Seibi-seisaku no Shiten kara Mita ‘Ittai-ichiro’” (‘Belt and Road Initiative’ from the perspective of China’s policies on the development of domestic transportation and infrastructure) ‘Transportation & the Economy’ Vol. 78 No. 12, Institute of Transportation Economics, 2018
◆“Data Kudo-gata Business toshiteno Sharing Economy: Kotsu-bunya niokeru Sho-jirei” (Sharing Economy as a data-driven business: Examples in the traffic field) ‘Kigyo Shindan (Business Diagnosis)’ Vol. 65, September issue, Doyukan, 2018
◆“Kokusai Kaijo Kotsu niokeru Risk Management” (Risk Management in International Marine Traffic) ‘Emergency Management Studies’ Vol. 17, Japan Emergency Management Association, 2015