Research fields:
Resolution of promotion phenomenon based on marketing theories and relevant scientific theories
Research themes:
Study on analysis of desire for consumption and advertisement expression, study of technical development and market creation, study of theory building for non-expanding and permanency
[keywords] promotion, industrial goods, wants
Main books and papers:
◆“Maketingu no genri” (The Principle of Marketing” (Edited/written by Takashi Sawauchi, CHUOKEIZAI-SHA, 2002)
◆“‘Zai’ no komyunikeshon tokushitsu to puromoshon senryaku” (Communication characteristics of “asset” and promotion strategy) (Bulletin of Nikkei Advertising Research Institute Vol. 197, 2001)
◆“Maketingu senryaku kenkyu ni okeru yokubou bunseki no juyosei” (Some Problems of the Wants Analysis in Marketing Strategy Studies” (The Research Institute for Commerce Meiji University “Meidai shougaku ronsou” 2004)
◆“Kachi zukuri maketingu” (Marketing for value creation) (Co-authored by Yukihiko Uehara, Jun Otomo, Maruzen Publishing, 2014)
◆“Kashikoi kigyo wa kakudai shugi yori eizoku shugi” (Wise companies take permanency policy rather than expansion policy) (Co-authored by Satoshi Usui, Jun Otomo, Dobunkan Shuppan, 2015)