Research fields:
Public administration, public policy, public management
Research themes:
Empirical research on policy evaluation systems; research on local government employees who are dispatched to disaster-affected local governments for support activity
Main books and papers:
◆“The Practical Realities of Evaluation of the Recovery and Reconstruction Policy from the Great East Japan Earthquake: The Ambiguous Policy Structure and the Lukewarm Evaluation Design” [in Japanese] Public Choice Studies, no. 71, 2019
◆“Looking back on Performance Evaluation System in Local Government: Two Decades of the Non-utilization nor Discontinuance” [in Japanese] Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies, vol. 16, no. 1, 2016
◆“Empirical Analysis on Effectiveness of Policy Evaluation System: A Case Study of Performance Evaluation on Law School Education” [in Japanese] The Annuals of the Japanese Society for Public Administration, no. 51, 2016
◆“Shinsaigo no Jichitai Gabanansu” (Local Government Governance after the Earthquake) (Co-author) Toyo Keizai, 2015
◆“Daigaku no Manejimento” (University Management) (Co-author) Tamagawa University Press, 2011
◆“Kokyo Bumon no Hyoka to Kanri” (Evaluation and Management of the Public Sector) (Co-author) Koyo Shobo, 2010
◆“Seifu Bumon Hyoka no Kenkyu ni Tsuiteno Tansakuteki Kosatsu” (An Exploratory Study on Research in Government Sector Evaluation) Public Administration Review Quarterly, no. 131, 2010