Research fields:
Department of Frontier Media Science, Information and Communication Engineering, Doctor of Engineering
Personal history:
Born in Sapporo in 1957
March 1980 Graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering, the University of Tokyo
March 1986 Finished her Doctoral course in Engineering Research, Graduate School of the University of Tokyo
April 1987 – March 1989 As a Research Associate at the University of Tokyo
April 1989 – March 1992 As a Lecturer in the School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
April 1992 – March 1998 As an Associate Professor in the same department
April 1998 – March 2013 As a Professor in the same department
April 2013 to present At the current position
November 2013 Founded the Institute of Creative Interaction, Meiji University
April 2015 to present As a Leader, COI Meiji University Satellite
Affiliated academic associations, etc.:
Fellow, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
Fellow, the Japan Federation of Engineering Societies (JFES)
A member of following associations: IEEE, Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (JSMEBE), the Acoustical Society of Japan, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, Japanese Academy of Facial Studies
Main books and papers:
◆Kaoru Arakawa, “Fuzzy rule-based image processing with optimization”, Fuzzy Techniques in Image Processing, pp 222-247, 2000, Springer.
◆Kaoru Arakawa, Takuya Okada, “ε-separating nonlinear filter bank and its application to face image beautification”, J88, 11, pp.1216-1225, IEICE Transactions, November 2005
◆Tatsuya Ugai, Keita Sato, Kaoru Arakawa, and Hiroshi Harashima, “Interactive Evolutionary System for Synthesizing Facial Caricature with Non-planar Expression”, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E97-A, 11, pp.2154-2160, November 2014