Research fields:
Theoretical sociology, organizational research
Research themes:
Theoretical study on organization and communication, sociological study on culture and symbols in organizations
Main books and papers:
◆Body, Emotion, Space, Atmosphere as “Margins” in Organization Theory: Toward Extending the Scope of Organization Studies pp.537-562, Memoirs of the Institute of Cultural Sciences, Meiji University, 2023
◆Artifacts in Organizations and the Possiblity of Organization Aesthetics: An Examination of the Process by which Objects Become Symbols pp.176-191, Sociological review of Kobe University, 2022
◆“Soshikibunka Kenkyu niokeru Hihanteki Keiei Kenkyu (Shi-emu-esu) no Kanosei: Soshikibunka no ‘Fu’ no Sokumen no Bunseki nimukete” (Possibility of Critical Management Studies (CMS) in Organizational Culture Studies: Toward Analysis of the ‘Negative’ Aspect of Organizational Culture) The journal of studies in contemporary sociological theory, 2017
◆“Soshiki no Riron Shakaigaku: Komyunikeshon, Shakai, Ningen” (Theoretical Sociology of Organization: Communication, Society, and People) Bunshindo Publishing, 2013
◆“Soshiki Chitsujo no Keisei to Kaitai wo Setsumeisuru Orutanatibu: Soshikimokuteki, Soshikibunka, soshite Soshikibigaku” (Alternative Explaining the Formation and Dissolution of Organizational Order: Organizational Purpose, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Aesthetic) Organizational Science, 2007