Research fields:
Teacher education, educational administration
Research themes:
The policy and system of teacher education – historical comparison of the training and recruitment system of primary and secondary teachers in Japan and the UK
Main books and papers:
◆“‘Shosatsu’ wo toinaosu: Kyoin-yosei no Riron to Jissen no Kento” (Reconsidering the “Reflection”: Examining the Theory and Practice of the Teacher Training) (Joint authorship and editorship) Gakubunsha, 2024
◆“Kyoin-yosei no Kiseki to Mitoshi: Nichi-ei Hikaku no Shiten” (Trajectory of and Prospect for Teacher Cultivation: Perspective of Comparing Japan and the U.K.) Bulletins of the Japan-UK Education Forum, the Japan-UK Education Forum, vol. 27, 2023
◆“Kyoshokugenron (Mirai no Kyoiku wo Tsukuru Kyoshoku Kyoyo Shishin 2)” (Principles of the Teaching Profession (Teaching Profession Cultivation Guideline Creating the Future Education 2) (Editor and author) Gakubunsha, 2019
◆“Igirisu niokeru Kyoin-yosei no ‘Shitsu-hosho’ Shisutemu: Sengo Kaikaku karano 40 nenkan” (“Quality Assurance” System of Teacher Training in England: 40 years since the Post-war Reform) The Memoirs of the Institute of Humanities, Meiji University, No. 77, 2015