Research fields:
Co-operative studies, adult and community education
Research themes:
Non-profit cooperative organizations and social enterprises tackling social exclusion
Main books and papers:
◆From “Employed Work” to “Associated Work” in Diverse Society: A challenge of social enterprise to create a new paradigm of community development learning through the work with multi-stakeholders, Asia Pacific Education Review, Vol.18-2(2017), Springer
◆Dynamics of community-based learning for social revitalization (Coauthor) Tokyo University Press, 2015 (in Japanese)
◆ESD as lifelong and social education: creating sustainable communities (Coauthor) Toyokan Press, 2015 (in Japanese)
◆Co-operatives: An option for the future (Coauthor) Nihon Keizai Hyouronsha, 2014 (in Japanese)
◆Social enterprise tackling social exclusion (Coauthor and coeditor) Keiso Shobo, 2013 (in Japanese)