Research fields:
Political science and economics, social psychology
Research themes:
Social conditions, social systems and public consciousness
Academic degrees:
Ph.D. (political science, international studies)
Main books and papers:
◆“Hokuou no Kyouiku Saizensen” (The Front Line of Education in Northern Europe) (Joint authorship) Akashi Shoten, 2021
◆“Hokuou Shokoku wa Naze Koufuku Nanoka” (Why Scandinavian Countries Are Happy?) Genshobo, 2020
◆“Good Sweden, Bad Sweden: The Use and Abuse of Swedish Values in a Post-Truth World” Shinhyoron Publishing, 2019
◆“Shukensha Kyouiku: Sweden no Jirei Kara Erareru Shisa” (Sovereign Education: Suggestions from the Swedish Case) Monthly Shiho-Shoshi (567), pp.13-20, 2019
◆“Why Is Voter Turnout So High in Sweden?” Economic Policy Institute for Quality Life (262), pp.31-35, 2018
◆“Sweden no Rodo Shijo” (The Swedish Labor Market) “Nihon Rodo Kenkyu Zasshi” (Japan Journal of Labor Studies) (693), pp. 61–70, 2018
◆“Minna no Kyoiku, Sweden no ‘Hito wo Sodateru’ Kokka Senryaku” (Education for Everyone: Sweden’s National Strategy for ‘Nurturing People’) (Joint authorship) Mitsui Publishing, 2018