Research fields:
International Political Economy, international Relations
Research themes:
Policymaking process regarding the FTA/TPP, regional integration in Asia-Pacific countries, comparisons between the policies of Japan and Korea
Main books and papers:
◆“Who sets the rules? The rivalry between Japan, the United States, and China over the reconstruction of the international order,” “Kokusai Seiji (International Relations),” 2024
◆“The Escalating Chain of Disputes over Japan’s Economic Sanctions Against South Korea – The ‘Weaponization’ of Economic Interdependence” (joint authorship), Satoshi Oyane (ed.) “Japan’s Economic Diplomacy,” Keiso Shobo, 2023
◆“Trade: Regional Governance Arising from FTAs,” Ryo Oshiba, Nobumasa Akiyama, Kazuhiro Obayashi, Atsushi Yamada (eds.) “Global Governance Theory Interpreted through the Lens of Power,” Yuhikaku, 2018
◆“Japan and East Asian Integration: Trade and Domestic Politics” London: Routledge, 2017
◆“Nihon no tusho seisaku tenkan no seijikeizaigaku: FTA/TPP to kokunaiseiji” (The Political Economy of Japanese Trade Policy Shift: FTA, TPP and Domestic Politics) Yushindo, 2016