Research fields:
Clinical psychology, group psychotherapy, psychodrama
Research themes:
Research on theory and practice of group psychotherapy and psychodrama; research on the theory and actual conditions of art and expressive therapy
Academic degrees:
Ph.D. (medicine)
Clinical psychologist
Main books and papers:
◆Saikodorama no giho: kiso, riron, jissen (“Psychodrama techniques: fundamentals, theory, practice”) (Iwasaki Gakujutu, 2013)
◆Fun’inki to shite no shinri mensetsu: soko ni aru 10 no fun’inki (“The psychological interview as atmosphere: 10 types of atmospheres found in interviews”) (Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2005)
◆Keikoku! Soki kyoiku ga abunai: rinsho genba kara no hokoku (“Warning! Early childhood education is dangerous: a report from the clinical workplace”) (author, editor, Nippon Hyoron Sha, 1996)
◆Shinriryoho to doramatsurugi (“Psychotherapy and dramaturgy”) (coauthor, Seiwa Shoten, 1993)