Research fields:
Arts and Media major, theory of media and culture / social psychology / Nihonjinron (theories of Japaneseness)
Research themes:
Relationship of various fad phenomena and mass phenomena with the media. Popular songs, buzzwords, and hit commercial messages with social psychology of the times.
[Keywords] Media culture, fad, mass culture
Main books and papers:
◆“Zoho Shinpan: Ryuko no Shakai Shinri Shi (A Revised Edition: History of Social Psychology behind Fad)” Henshukoubou Kyu, 2014
◆“Zoho Shinpan: Gendai Seso Fuzoku Shi Nenpyo (A Revised Edition : Chronology of Social Trends and Manners in postwar Japan 1945-2008)” (joint authorship) Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 2009
◆“Ninkimono no Shakai Shinri Shi (History of Social Psychology of Popular Persons)” Gakuyo Shobo, 2002
◆“Ryuko no Shakai Shinri Shi (History of Social Psychology behind Fad)” Gakuyo Shobo, 1993