Research fields:
Academic degrees:
Ph.D. (management)
Main books and papers:
◆Nihonkigyo no keieiryoku sosei to keieisha/kanrisha kyoiku (“Creation of management ability in Japanese firms and education of management and managers”) (coauthor, Gakubunsha, 2014)
◆Koza keiei kyoiku 2: keieisharon (“Management education course 2: managers”) (coauthor, Chuokeizai-sha, 2009)
◆Handbook of Management Accounting (coauthor, Tokyo Economic Information Publishing, 2008)
◆Manejimento kihon zenshu bessatsu: manejimento kihon jiten (“The basics of management, supplement: dictionary of the basics of management”) (coauthor, Gakubunsha, 2007)
◆Keieikyoiku jiten (“Dictionary of management education”) (coauthor, Gakubunsha, 2006)
◆Management Strategy (coauthor, Gakubunsha, 2006)