
REPETA Lawrence

Professor, School of Law (~2017),
Meiji University

Research fields:
Constitutional law, information law, international environmental protection law

Research themes:
Human rights, civic participation
[Keywords] Constitution, human rights, information disclosure, United States law

Main books and papers:
◆“Yami o utsu (shooting into the dark): Secrecy and the Future of America” (Nippon Hyoron sha)
◆“Memo ga torenai—Saikosai ni idonda otokotachi: Kempojo no kokumin no shiru kenri ni tsuite no saiban oyobi saikosai no hanketsu ni tsuite” (No memos: The men who took on the Supreme Court. The rulings of courts and the Supreme Court over the public’s constitutional right to know) (Yuhikaku Publishing, edited by Mikio Akiyama )