
KISHI Makiko

Professor, School of Global Japanese Studies,
Meiji University

SDGs theme

Research fields:
Educational technology

Research themes:
Designing learning environments based on situational learning
[Keywords] educational technology, international educational cooperation, multicultural cooperation through ICT, qualitative research

Main books and papers:
◆“Daigaku kyoiku o design suru—koseishugi ni motozuita kyoiku Jissen” (Designing Higher Education based on Constructivism ) (Koyo Shobo 2012)
◆“ICT kyoiku no design dai 12 sho Kaigai tono koryugakushu no tenkai” (Chapter 12 “Introducing Learning Based on International Exchanges” of ICT Education Design) (Nihon Bunkyou Shuppan 2008)
◆“A Case Study of Implementing Lesson Study for Pre-Service Training for Education in Myanmar.” Journal of Educational Technology and Research (2012)
◆“Internet o katsuyo shita ibunkakan no kyodo o unagasu gakushukankyo design —Jissen-kyodotai no soshikika no shiza kara” (Designing a Learning Environment That Promotes Cooperation Between Cultures Using the Internet—From the Perspective of Organizing a Community of Practice) (Japan Society for Multicultural Relations Vol. 17, 2010)