Research fields:
criminal law and medical law
Research themes:
defense, investigation, and medical criminal law
Extramural activities:
◆Lecturer for the Advanced Course and the Professional Course for Assistant Supervisors at the Customs Training Institute, Ministry of Finance (since 2011) and at the Faculty of Law, Keio University (since 2011)
◆Member of the Clinical Ethics Committee, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (since 2015) and member of the Discipline Committee, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (registered foreign lawyer) (since 2015)
◆Member of the Research Ethics Examination Committee and the Gene Analysis Ethics Committee at the Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (since 2016) and lecturer at the Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (since 2017)
Main books and papers:
◆“Jirei enshu keiji soshoho” (Case Studies: Code of Criminal Procedure), co-edited and coauthored, Hogaku Shoin, 2013
◆“Case book keiji soshoho, dai san han” (Case Book: Code of Criminal Procedure, Third Edition), coauthored, Koubundou Publishers, 2012
◆“Primary keiji soshoho, dai roku han” (Primary: Code of Criminal Procedure, Sixth Edition), coauthored, Fuma Shobo, 2017
◆“Gendai keijiho no ronten: keiji soshoho” (Points at Issue in Modern Criminal Law: Code of Criminal Procedure) and “Gendai keijiho no ronten: keiho” (Points at Issue in Modern Criminal Law: Criminal Code), both coauthored, Tokyo Horei Publishing
◆“Kihon mondai keiji soshoho” (Basic Issues: Code of Criminal Procedure), coauthored, Sakai Shoten, 2000
◆“Keiji soshoho kihon hanrei kaisetsu” (Commentary on Basic Precedents for the Code of Criminal Procedure), coauthored, Shinzansha Publisher, 2012
◆“Beikoku keiji hanrei no doko I, IV, V, VI” (Trends in Criminal Precedents in the United States I, IV, V, and VI), all coauthored, Chuo University Press