Research fields:
Education, sociology of education
Research themes:
Interaction between teachers within the school organization
Main books and papers:
◆“Kosoku wo Kettei Un-yo suru Kyoshi-tachi: Nani ga Donoyoni Katarareteirunoka” (Teachers who Determine and Operate School Rules: What and How They are Stated) (‘Darega Kosoku wo Kimerunoka: Minshu-shugi to Gakko’ (Who Determines School Rules: Democracy and School) Edited by Ryo Uchida, Hiroki Yamamoto) pp. 49-74, Iwanami Shoten, 2022
◆“Rodosha no Kenri to Rodo eno Kyoiku: ‘Burakku-na Shokuba’ to ‘Yarigai Sakushu’ wo Koete” (Workers’ Rights and Education for Work: Beyond “Toxic Workplace” and “Passion Pay”) ‘Joho Komyunikeshon-gaku eno Shotai’ (Invitation to Information Communication Studies) pp. 36-51, Minerva Shobo, 2022
◆“Gakko-soshiki no Kaibo-gaku: Jissen nonakano Seido to Bunka” (Ethnomethodology of School Organization: Institution and Culture in Practice) Keiso Shobo, 2022
◆“Kyoshi-kan no Sogo Koui Bunseki” (Ethnomethodology of Interactions between Teachers) ‘Korekarano Kyoshi Kenkyu: 20 no Jirei ni Miru Kyoshi Kenkyu Hoho-ron’ (Teachers Studies from Now on: Methodology of Teachers Studies in 20 Cases) (Edited by Kiyomi Akita, Yasuhiko Fujie) pp. 264-276, Tokyo Tosho, 2021
◆“Gakko Kenkyu niokeru Soshiki Esunogurafi no Genzai” (Current Status of Organizational Ethnography in School Studies) ‘Shakai to Chosa’ (Advances in Social Research) (26) pp. 28-35, Japanese Association for Social Research, 2021
◆”Geko Jikoku wa Nan no Mondai toshite Katarareta ka: Jikangai no Shigoto ni Kihan wo Musubitsukete Kaishaku Suru koto” (How Was the Issue of Students’ Time to Leave School Discussed?: Interpreting Overtime through Reference to Various Norms) in “Kyoiku Shakaigaku Kenkyu” (The Journal of Educational Sociology) Vol.105, pp. 27-47, 2019