
YOKOTA Masahiro

Emeritus Professor, Former Professor, School of Global Japanese Studies (~2024),
Meiji University

SDGs theme

Research fields:
Intercultural education, international student policy, advising international students, community development

Research themes:

Japanese and world international student policies, intercultural education and community development, social practice activities on reducing bias
Keywords: International student policy, advising/counseling international students, community development

Main books and papers:

◆“Daigaku no kokusaika to nihonjin gakusei no kokusai shikosei” (Internationalization of Japanese universities and the international mindset of Japanese students) (Co-authored by Yokota and Kobayashi, Gakubunsha, 2013)
◆“Tabunka shakai no henken/sabetsu” (Bias/discrimination in multicultural societies) (Co-authored by Kagami, Yokota, Tsuboi, and Kudo, Akashi Shoten, 2012)
◆“Ryugakusei koryu no shorai yosoku ni kan suru chosa kenkyu” (Survey on future projections of international student exchange) (Co-author, 2006 Mission Research under the Promotion Fund of Leading University Reform, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2007)
◆“Seikatsu jissen kara manabu ‘jugyo’” (A “classroom” for learning from practical living) (“Opened doors to Japanese language education,” 3A Networks, 2005)
◆“Ryugakusei adobaijingu” (Advising international students) (Co-author, Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2004)
◆“Daigaku, shotenshu, shimin, gyosei ga torikumu machizukuri to shotengai no kasseika” (Urban development and vitalization of shopping districts through efforts by universities, shopkeepers, citizens, and government) (Chushoshokogyokenku No. 81, 2004)
◆“Ryugakusei to nihonjin gakusei no shinmitsuka ni kan suru kenkyu” (A study on effecting closer connections between international students and Japanese students) (Ibunkakankyoiku No. 5, 1991)