Research fields:
French and German philosophy and literature in the 19th and 20th centuries; Modern Jewish history of thoughts
Research themes:
Analyzing the various aspects of human science, including physiology, psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, human studies and historical studies created during the 19th century, and discussing the modernity of the issues found in such aspects. Working on Jewish issues in and after the 17th century.
[Keywords] Paths of philosophy and literature, rhythm, psychiatry, archipelago, boundary, distribution sharing
Main books and papers:
◆“Yudaya Shiso Nyumon” (Introduction to Jewish Thought) Chikumashobo, 2017
◆“Furagumente” (Fragmente) Hosei University Press, 2016
◆“Shisoshi no Meiwakiyakutachi” (Indispensable Supporting Actors in the History of Thought) Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 2014
◆“Tanabe Hajime to Haidegaa” (Tanabe Hajime and Heidegger) PHP Shinsho, 2013
◆“Kokoro to Karada ni Hibiku Aran no Kofukuron” (Alain’s Theory of Happiness for the Mind and Body) TAKARAJIMASHA, 2012
◆“Kofuku no Bumpo” (Grammar of Happiness) Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 2012
◆“Aran Kofukuron” (Alain: On Happiness) NHK “100 Minutes of Great Literature” Books, 2012
◆“Yoshimoto Takaaki to Karatani Kojin” (Takaaki Yoshimoto and Kojin Karatani) PHP Shinsho, 2011
◆“Seiki o Koeru Jitsuzon no Shiso” (Existentialism Transcending Centuries) Meiji University Liberty Academy Booklet, 2007
◆“Sarutoru ‘Mukatsuki’ Niito to Iu Boken” (Sartre’s Adventure on the Disgusted People Not Currently Engaged in Employment, Education or Training) Misuzu Shobo, 2006
◆“Furansu o Yomu” (Reading France) (Co-authored) Hosei University Press, 2004
◆“Jankerebuitchi – Kyokai no Rapusodei” (Jankélévitch: Rapsody at the Boundary) Misuzu Shobo, 2003
◆“Rebuinasu – Sonzai no Kakumei e Mukete” (Lévinas: To the Revolution of Existence) Chikuma Gakugei Bunko, 2000
◆“Rebuinasu o Yomu – <Ijona Nichijo> no Shiso” (Reading Lévinas: Thought of the Abnormal Normality) NHK Books, 1999
◆“Rebuinasu no Shiso – Kibo no Yurikago” (Lévinas: Cradle of Hope) KOUBUNDOU Publishers, 1988