Research fields:
Sociology (social network theory, media history)
Research themes:
Social historical study of communication action, relationship formation regarding “stamping grounds,” historical culture of subculture
[Keywords] social network, social capital, CMC, media history
Main books and papers:
◆“Network shakai no shinso kozo – ‘usukuchi’ no ningen kankei e” (Deep structure of network society – thinning of human relationships) (Chuokoron-Shinsha, 2000)
◆“Link kakusa shakai” (Link social polarization) (Mainichi Communications, 2007)
◆“SNS ni okeru nikki communication to network kozo ni kansuru kenkyu” (Study of network structure for journaling activities on SNS) (“Japan Society of Information and Communication Research Journal” Vol. 27 No. 3, 2009)