Research fields:
Management, human-resources management, business administration, gender management (analysis of human-resources issues in the corporation from a gender perspective)
Main books and papers:
◆Josei rida wo soshiki de sodateru shikumi (“Systems for developing women leaders in the organization”) (coauthor, Chuokeizai-sha, 2014)
◆Raningu, ridashippu nyumon: Daibashiti de hito to soshiki wo nobasu (“Introduction to learning leadership: Growth of people and organizations through diversity”) (coauthor, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 2011)
◆Josei no hatarakikata (“Ways of working for women”) (coauthor, Minerva, 2009)
◆Sosho: Hataraku to iu koto, dai-7-kan josei no hatarakikata (“Series: Working, vol. 7, ways of working for women”) (coauthor, Minerva, 2009)
◆Daigakusei no shushoku to saiyo (“Employment and hiring for university students”) (coauthor, Chuokeizai-sha, 2004)
◆Jenda manejimento (“Gender management”) (coauthor, Toyo Keizai, 2001)
Former announcer, Fuji TV.