Research fields:
International law, law of the sea, and law of international organizations
Research themes:
International court, theory and practice of dispute resolution, theory of States’ jurisdiction in international law, theory of general international law, etc.
Main books and papers:
◆Milestones of Modern International Law (Gendai Kokusaiho no shihyo) (Co-author, 1994)
◆Keywords of International Law (Kokusaiho keywords) (Co-author, 2006)
◆International Law Documents (“Kokusai joyakushu”) (until 2015 Edition, editor-in-chief)
◆“Theoretical Basis of the Concept of International Public Interest” (“Kokusai koeki gainen no rironteki kento”) (Keiso Shobo, 1991)
◆“Formation and Transformation of the Concept of National Jurisdiction” (“Kokka kankatsuken gainen no keisei to henyo”) (Keiso Shobo, 1998)
◆“On Compliance with Duty of Cooperation” (“Kyoryoku gimu no junshu ni tsuite”) (Shinzansha Publisher, 2015)