Research fields:
Health administration, personnel and labor management
Research themes:
Personnel and labor management in hospitals in the US
Main books and papers:
◆“JILPT Research Report No. 206 Shokugyo Kunren no Koka Sokutei Seido ni Kansuru Chosa Kenkyu: Amerika” (A research project on the accuracy of measuring the effectiveness of vocational training in the US) (Coauthor, pp.1-180 and pp.18-63, “Chapter 3 Chosa Jirei (Case Studies)”), The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2018
◆“JILPT Research Report No. 194 Shogaikoku ni Okeru Kyoiku Kunren Seido: Amerika, Igirisu, Doitsu, Furansu” (Education and training systems in selected countries: the US, the UK, Germany, and France) (Coauthor, pp.1-120 and pp. 6-28), “Chapter 1 Amerika no Shokugyo Kunren (Vocational Training in the US)”), The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2017
◆The Registered Nurse and Temporary Work in the United States: The History and Particularity (pp.1-373), Keisuisha, 2015