Research fields:
History of business, industrialists, distribution, and management in Japan
Research themes:
Empirical research on business development in Japan
Main books and papers:
◆“Chubu Chiiki Yuryoku Oroshiuri Kigyo Itoi no Tenkai (The Development of Itoi, a Leading Wholesaler in the Chubu Region) Minerva Shobo, 2019
◆“Nihon no Kigyoka 9: Maruta Yoshio (Japanese Industrialist 9: Maruta Yoshio) PHP Institute, 2017
◆“Sangyo Keieishi Series 10: Sekken-Senzai Sangyo” (The Industrial Business History series 10: The Soap and Detergent Industry) Japan Business History Institute, 2016
◆“Chiiki Oroshiuri Kigyo Daika no Tenkai” (The Development of Daika, a Regional Wholesaler) Minerva Shobo, 2015
◆“Ajia no Kigyokan Kyoso” (Competition among Businesses in Asia) (Coauthor and coeditor) Bunshindo Publishing, 2015
◆“Nihon no Kigyoka Gunzo III” (A Group of Japanese Industrialists Ⅲ) (Solo author and editor) Maruzen, 2011
◆“Koza Nihon Keieishi 3: Soshiki to Senryaku no Jidai” (A Course on Business History in Japan: An Age of Organization and Strategy) (Coauthor and coeditor) Minerva Shobo, 2010
◆“Jonetsu no Nihon Keieishi Series (3): Kurashi o Kaeta Biyo to Eisei” (The History of Passionate Business Management in Japan Series (3): Cosmetics and Hygiene That Changed the Lifestyles) Fuyo Shobo, 2009
◆“Kokusai Kyosoryoku no Keieishi” (A Business History on International Competitiveness) (Coauthor and coeditor) Yuhikaku Publishing, 2009
and many others