Research fields:
Analysis of modern capitalism
Research themes:
Modern Japan economic theory focusing on structure of Japanese economy and dynamic analysis
Main books and papers:
◆“Anzenhoshomondai to Nihon no Kouken” (Security Issues and Japan’s Contributions) (Politics and Economics Symposium, 86(1/2)) Meiji University, 2017
◆“Sekai to Nihon no Boueki” (Trade between Japan and the World) (Introduction to Trade – The world and Japan will become comprehensible) (Co-author) Otsuki Shoten, 2017
◆“Gendai Globalization to America Shihonshugi” (Modern Globalization and the American Capitalism) (Sole author) Otsuki Shoten, 2016
◆“Marx Keizaigaku to Gendaishihonshugi” (Marxian Economics and Modern Capitalism) (Co-author) Sakurai-Shoten, 2015
◆“21seiki no Keizai to Shakai” (The 21st Century Economy and Society) (Co-author) Nishida Shoten, 2015
◆“Sekai Keizai no Kaibougaku : Bouekiron Nyumon” (An Anatomy of World Economy: Introduction to the Loss of Profit Theory) (Co-author) Horitsu Bunka Sha, 2014