Member of the Tokyo Child Welfare Council, Member of the Tokyo Gender Equality Council
As clinical psychologist, Shoko Kato is engaged in clinical activities that involve psychological treatment of traumatized children and children with attachment problems and consultation of caretakers, teachers, and institution workers at foster homes and Children and Family Support Centers.
Research themes:
Research on child care and psychological treatment from the perspectives of psychological consultation, care and psychological treatment for abused children, and clinical practice regarding attachment
[Keywords] consultation, attachment, child abuse
Main books and papers:
◆“Shisetsushinryoshi toiu shigoto—jidoyogoshisetsu to jidogyakutai heno shinriteki approach” (“Institutional Psychologist: A Psychological Approach to Foster Homes and Child Abuse), Minerva Shobo, 2012.
◆“Taijinenjo no tameno group work” (“Group Work for Interpersonal Support”), co-authored, Seishin Shobo, 2012.
◆“Jidoyogoshisetsu no therapist” (“Therapists in Foster Homes”), co-authored, Tutui Shobo, 2002.
◆“Aichakushogai to shufukutekiaichakuryoho” (“Attachment Disorder and Reparative Attachment Therapy”), co-translated, Minerva Shobo, 2005.
◆“Jidoyogoshisetsu ni okeru shinri consultation no kino ni kansuru kenkyu—‘shinri consultation kinosokuteishakudo’ o mochiita kento” (“Study on the Functions of Psychological Consultations at Foster Homes: Examination Using the Psychological Consultation Function Scale”), Journal of Japanese clinical psychology 31 (4), 2013.
◆“Jidoyogoshisetsushokuin no burn-out ni kansuru kenkyu—shokuinshien ni motozuku hisochijidotogyakutaiboshi no kanten kara” (“Study on Foster Home Workers’ Burn-out: From the Perspective of Preventing the Abuse of Non-protected Children Based on Worker Support”), Meiji University journal of psycho-sociology Vol.8, 2013.