Research fields:
Clinical psychology, Sexology, Psychosexual development
Research themes:
Support for gender/sexual diversity from the point of view of clinical psychology
【keywords】Gender, sexuality, diversity
Main books and papers:
◆“Trans Gender no Shinrigaku: Tayo na Sei Doitsusei no Hattatsu Mechanism to Keisei” (Transgender Psychology: Developmental Mechanism and Formation of Diverse Gender Identity) Koyo Shobo, 2017
◆“Seibetsu-iwa wo motsu Kodomo to Shui eno Shinri Kyoiku” (Psychoeducation for Children Who have gender dysphoria and Those Who Surround Them) (Published in “Horumon to Rinsho” (Clinical Endocrinology)) Volume 63, Issue 4, 263-270) Igaku no Sekai Sha, 2017
◆“Seisa no Mechanism: Kodo Idenshigaku no Kanten kara” (Mechanism of Gender Differences: From a Behavior-Genetics Point of View) (Published in “Shinrigaku Hyoron” (Psychological Review) Volume 60, Issue 1, 3-14) The Society of Japanese Psychological Review, 2017
◆Genetic and Environmental influences on Traits of Gender identity disorder: A Study of Japanese Twins across Developmental Stages. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45, 1681-1695. (First Author) 2016
And other publications