Research fields:
Empirical studies of the information industry
Research themes:
Economic analysis of the publishing market and academic information
Main books and papers:
◆“Shoseki shizyo no Keizai Bunseki” (Economic Analysis of the Publications Market) (Nippon Hyoron sha, 2019)
◆“Determinants of demand and price for best-selling novels in paperback in Japan” (Journal of Cultural Economics, 40(4) pp. 375-392, Springer, 2016)
◆“Kontentsu no Tayousei” (Diversity of Content) (Hakuto-Shobo, 2013)
◆“Denki Tsushin Jigyo no Keizai Bunseki: Nichibei no Hikaku Bunseki” (Economic Analysis of the Telecommunications Business: a Comparative Analysis of Japan and the US) (Nippon Hyoron sha, 1999)