Research fields:
Business administration, theoretical and experimental study of venture management and small and medium-sized enterprises, and research on cooperation systems of small and medium-sized enterprises in industry accumulation
Research themes:
Theoretical and experimental study of growth strategy and activation policy of venture management and small and medium-sized company management
Main books and papers:
◆“Research on the Possibility of Business Succession of SMEs through M&A” The review of economics & political science, 2023
◆“Kumiai no Ima no Sugata: Kumiai Jigyo no Jittai to Kongo no Kanosei ni tsuite” (Current status of associations: Reality of association business and its future possibilities) 67th conference memorial magazine, Shizuoka Prefectural Federation of Small Business Associations, 2021
◆“Chushokigyo no Jizokutekihatten ni Shisuru Kumiai no Arikata to Jissen: Kakudaisuru Shakaitekisekinin niyoru Esudijizu no Jitsugen” (Nature and practices of associations contributing to the sustainable development of SMEs: Achieving SDGs through expanding social responsibility) Co-operative finance for commerce and industry, 2020
◆“Chusho Torakku Unsogyo no Keieikakushin niyoru Koritsuteki Butsuryu no Sozo to Kadai” (Creation of efficient logistics through management innovation in the small- and medium-sized trucking industry and its challenges) The review of economics & political science, 2019
◆“Kudokasuru Toshigataseizogyo Shuseki no Mirai: Kakushinteki Chushokigyokeiei ni Manabu” (The future of hollowing urban manufacturing accumulation: Learning from innovative small and medium enterprise management) Doyukan, 2008