Research fields:
International strategy, management control, family businesses, and management philosophy
Research themes:
Japanese-affiliated companies’ business strategy in Asian emerging markets, the potential of family businesses and SMEs in Asia, corporate social responsibility and governance, and management control for overseas subsidiaries
Main books and papers:
◆“Japanese Firms in Emerging Markets” (author and editor) Doyukan Inc., 2018
◆“Thailand plus one strategy: Practices of Japanese firms in the Greater Mekong Subregion” (co-author) FIIB Business Review, 2018
◆“Thailand plus One Strategy: Co-Creation of Values in Mekong Region” (author and editor) Doyukan Inc., 2015
◆“The Style of Thai and Japanese Business” Canaria Communications, 2015
◆ “Post-AEC Regional Industrial Strategy and the New Thailand-Japan Partnership for Mekong Region (editor-project leader) JICA Report, 2014
◆ “Study on the Business Alliance Model between Thailand and Japan,” JICA Project report (editor-project leader) 2013.
◆“Doing Business in Thailand: A Japanese Perspective” (author and editor) Doyukan Inc., 2012
◆“Theory of Management” (co-author) Jikkyo Shuppan Co., Ltd., 2008