Research fields:
Philosophy, information society studies (ideological and philosophical study of media and information)
Research themes:
Formation of “basic theory of media” with a focus on body-media theory and electronic media theory
[keywords] Media, body, information society
Main books and papers:
◆“Bacharu Shakai no ‘Tetsugaku’—Bittokoin, VR, Posuto-Turusu” (The ‘Philosophy’ of Virtual Society—Bitcoin, VR, Post-Truth) Seidosha, 2018
◆“Joho Shakai no ‘Tetsugaku’—Guguru, Biggu Deta, Jinko Chino” (The ‘Philosophy’ of Information Society—Google, Big Data and AI) Keiso Shobo, 2016
◆“‘Joho Shakai’ to wa Nanika?—‘Media’ ron e no Zensho” (What Is ‘Information Society’?—The Runup to ‘Media’ Theory) NTT Publishing, 2010
◆“Nazo to shite no ‘Ima’—Joho Shakai Jidai no Tetsugaku Nyumon” (‘Today’ as a Mystery—Introduction to Philosophy in the Information Society Era) Shunjusha Publishing, 2007
◆“‘Media’ no Tetsugaku—Ruman Shakai Shisutemuron no Shatei to Genkai” (The Philosophy of ‘Media’—Scope and Limits of Luhmann’s Social System) NTT Publishing, 2006