Research fields:
Social welfare system theory
Research themes:
Studies mainly on poverty and low-income problems, and countermeasures (systems and policies, and operation and support measures)
Main books and papers:
◆“Seikatsu Konkyusha Jiritsu Shien: Shien no Kangaekata/Seido Kaisetsu/Shien Hoho” (Self-Support of Needy Persons: Concept on Support, Commentary on System and Support Measures) (Author and editor) Chuohoki Publishing Co., Ltd., 2018
◆“Shakai Fukushi to Kojin Joho” (Social Welfare and Personal Information) The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity No. 514-3, Graduate School of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2018
◆“Seikatsu Konkyusha no Jiritsu/Songen no Kakuho to Chiiki-zukuri” (Preservation of Independence and Dignity of Needy Persons and Community Building) Monthly Welfare Vol. 101 No. 7, 2018
◆“Seikatsu Hogo Sosharu Waku wa Ima: Yoriyoi Jissen o Mezashite” (Public Assistance Social Work Now: Aiming for Better Practice) (Coauthor and coeditor) Minerva Shobo, 2017
◆“Seikatsu Konkyusha Jiritsu Shien Handobukku” (Handbook for Self-Support of Needy Persons) (Author and editor) Chuohoki Publishing Co., Ltd., 2015