Research fields:
Rural policy, community governance
Research themes:
Regeneration of rural areas, coexistence between urban and rural communities
Academic degrees:
Ph.D. (agriculture)
Member, Science Council of Japan
Main books and papers:
◆Nosanson ha shometsu shinai (“Rural communities will not disappear”) (Iwanami Shoten [Iwanami Shinsho], 2014)
◆Posuto TPP nosei (“Post-TPP agricultural policy”) (coauthor, Rural Culture Association Japan, 2014)
◆Shokuryo kankyo seisakugaku wo manabu (“Learning about agri-food environmental policy”) (coauthor, Nihon Keizai Hyouronsha, 2011)
◆Nosanson saisei: “genkai shuraku” mondai wo koete (“Rural regeneration: beyond the issue of ‘marginal communities’”) (Iwanami Shoten [Iwanami Booklets], 2009)
◆Jissen machizukuri dokuhon (“A primer on practical community development”) (coauthor, Koshokuken, 2008)