Research fields:
Political science and modern Japanese political history
Research themes:
Historical and empirical research on modern Japanese politics
[Keywords] Modern Japanese politics, political culture, and Ashio Copper Mine Pollution Incident
Main books and papers:
◆“Shinpan nihonseiji no hensen” (New edition: Transition of Japanese politics), co-author, Hokuju Shuppan, 1993
◆“Shusho retsuden” (Lives of Prime Ministers), co-author, Tokyo Shoseki Co., Ltd., 2001
◆“Nihonkanryosei no tokushoku o rekishi kara kangaeru” (Thinking of the features of Japanese bureaucracy from history), Shinpan kanryosei to nihon no seiji, Hokuju Shuppan, 2001
◆“Seikenkotai no seijitekibunseki – Jimintoseiken ga ushinatta Sanbon no Ya” (Political analysis of regime change: Three Arrows lost by LDP government), Henkakuki niokeru seiken to seron, co-author, Hokuju Shuppan, 2010
◆“Miki Takeo no seijitekizettaisei – Kenkyu no zenteitekishiron” (Takeo Miki’s political absoluteness: Prerequisite essay for study), Miki Takeo kenkyu, written and edited by Tokuou Konishi, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha Ltd., 2011
◆“Seikenkotai no shitekibunseki – Senzenki niokeru shushosenshutsukino” (Historical analysis of regime change: Prime minister selection function in the prewar period), Hikakuseijigaku no frontier, Minerva Shobo, 2015
◆“Tanaka Shozo kenkyu – Jikiso nimiru seiji-system-ninshiki to tennokan” (Shozo Tanaka study: Political system recognition and view on Emperor found in the direct appeal), Bulletin of the Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University (37-2), Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University, 1999
◆“Nihon niokeru sectionalism to ringisei no genryu – Nihonshakai-ron o zentei toshite –” (Sectionalism in Japan and the origin of ringisei or the system for reaching a decision via a document circulated to all employees: On the premise of Japanese Society theory), Social science essay collection (79-3/4), Institute of Social Sciences, Meiji University, 2011