Research fields:
Japanese archaeology (focusing on the Kofun period) and cultural property studies
Research themes:
General study of ruins in the Kofun period to clarify the realities of ancient society; clarification of the social system of the Kofun period in Japan, based on the study of Togoku kofuns; and study and practice of methods for preservation and utilization of ruins as well as community development by using cultural properties
Main books and papers:
◆“Zenpokoenfun to Togoku Shakai [Kodai no Togoku 1]” (Keyhole-Shaped Tumuli and Togoku (Kanto) Society [Ancient Togoku 1]) Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2017
◆“Togoku kara Yomitoku Kofun Jidai [Rekishi Bunka Raiburari 394]” (Kofun Period Read and Understood from Togoku [History & Culture Library 394]) Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2015
◆“Bijuaru-ban Kofun Jidai Gaidobukku” (Visual Kofun Period Guidebook) Shinsensha, 2013
◆“Hajimete Manabu Kokogaku” (Archaeology for Beginners) (Coauthor) Yuhikaku Publishing, 2011
◆“Kofun Jidai Keno no Jitsuzo [Bessatsu Kikan Kokogaku]” (Realities of Keno (Northern Kanto) in the Kofun Period [Separate volume of the quarterly magazine Archaeology]) (Coauthor and coeditor) Yuzankaku, 2011
◆“Motto Shiritai Haniwa no Sekai [Aato Biginaazu Korekushon Purasu]” (More About the World of Haniwa [Art Beginner’s Collection Plus]) Tokyo Bijutsu, 2009