Research fields:
Studies of rural planning
Research themes:
Studies of land use planning and resource management in farm villages with focus on agricultural land
Main books and papers:
◆ “The Regional Structure and Farming Resumption in a Tsunami-Affected Community: The Case Studies of Otomo and Hirota Districts in Rikuzentakata City: Iwate Prefecture” (The 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Reconstruction and Restoration Insights and Assessment after 5 Years, Springer)
◆ “A Study on Restoration of Agricultural Land in Withdrawn Land of a Large-scale Retail Store” (co-authored, Water, Land and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 85, No. 6, 2017)
◆ “Problem for Return to the Village of Nuclear Disaster Evacuee” (co-authored, Water, Land and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 83, No. 8, 2015)