Research fields:
Public Policy, Public Economics, Social Security
Research themes:
Empirical analysis of public policy on the low birthrate and aging society, informatization, gender equality, and globalized society
Main books and papers:
◆“Nihon-jin to Nihon-shakai: Shakai Kihan kara no Apurochi” (Japanese People and Society: Approaches from Japanese Social Norms) Bunshindo, 2022
◆“Kikon Josei no Kaji Buntan, Shugyo ni taisuru Kihan Ishiki to Genjitsu no Shugyo Kodo” (Married Women’s Normative Awareness for Housework Sharing and Employment, and Their Actual Practices) Journal of Health and Welfare Statistics 71 (1), 2024
◆“Korekara no Kurashi to Keizai” (Future Life and Economy) (Joint authorship) Bunshindo, 2023
◆“Jinko Gensho-ka ni okeru Shakai-shihon no Saiteki Kyokyu: Kodo-keizaigaku to Hyoujun-teki Keizaigaku no Hikaku Bunseki” (Optimal Provision of Social Capital in a Declining Population: A Comparative Analysis of Behavioral and Standard Economics) Journal of Information and Communication Studies 20, 2021
◆“Intanetto Tsuhan no Kakudai to Takuhai Kuraishisu: Sai-haitatsu no Yuryoka no Jitusgen Kanousei ni kansuru Chosa Kenkyu” (The Growth of Online Shopping and the Home Delivery Crisis: A Study on the Feasibility of introducing Redelivery Charges) Journal of Information & Communication Research 38 (3), 2020