

Professor, School of Global Japanese Studies
Meiji University

SDGs theme

Research fields:
African studies, history of Japan-Africa relations

Research themes:
Historical study on Africa’s distinctive modernization and theory of independent development, history of Japan-Africa relations since the 20 Century

Main books and papers:
◆“Nijusseki no Shakai to Bunka: Jitsuzuki no Kako wo Shiru” (Society and Culture in the 20 Century: Understanding the Past as a Continuation into Today’s World) (Joint authorship) Minerva Shobo, 2024
◆“Yokoso Afurika Sekai e” (Welcome to the African World) (Joint authorship) Showado, 2022
◆“Nihon no Afurika-shi Kenkyu no Ima to Korekara” (A Brief Analysis of the Current Trends and Future Path in African Historical Studies in Japan) Journal of African Studies 100, 2022
◆“The Influence of Ghana-led Anti-nuclear Weapons Campaigns on Japanese Peace Movements in the Early 1960s: An Analysis through Experiences of Three Japanese” Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer, Meiji University vol.10, 2020
◆“An Overview of Japanese-African Relations and the 1960s Campaigns against the Atomic Bomb: Based on an Analysis of the 1962 Accra Assembly of the World Without the Bomb”, Global Japanese Studies Review,10(1), 2018, pp.55-70